DSC Services
ISHIKA DIGITECH offers you Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) as Licensed Registration Authority (LRA) of for distribution of Digital Signature Certificate. The E-mudhra ( Certifying Authorities under Govt. of India) is licensed Certified Authority authorized by Controller of Certifying Authority (CCA), Government of India, to issue various types of Digital Signature Certificates (DSC).
ISHIKA DIGITECH being one of the leading IT company, can offer you personalized, timely and efficient services for obtaining your Digital Signature Certificates (DSC).
All DSC's are issued strictly under the compliances of IT Act and CCA guidelines.
- Furnishing and collection of requisite Application Forms for DSCs.- Verification of your credentials & Processing of Documents.
- Getting you a digital certificate issued to you and Installation of your DSCs.
- Support & Guidance for usage and secure handling of your digital certificate.
For ROC e-Filing : You will require Class 2 DSC and above.
For Income Tax e-Filing : Class 2 and above.
For Government E-tendering : Class 3B will be required.
For Northern Railway e-Tendering : Class 3.
For IRCTC Purpose e-Ticketing : Class 3.
For more details and to obtain your DSC in India, please visit our DSC website www.DigitalSignature.in
Cell : +91 9038260669 /9432644547
Email : dsc(at)ishikatech.com